Support groups are offered twice per year for those who have completed active treatment. They are weekly for six weeks and facilitated by one of the BCSC physicians. Each week, participants are guided through an exploration of self-care, nutrition, exercise, and stress management strategies. The curriculum also addresses side effects of treatment, cancer related fatigue, body image and sexuality, loss and grief, fear of recurrence, anxiety and depression, relationships, and spiritual wellness.
Support Group
This is a four week small group program offered via Zoom. The program teaches principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia, which is the 'gold standard' of treatment. You will learn how to incorporate strategies to improve sleep by changing behaviours and challenging unhelpful thoughts. Each session includes group participation and a guided relaxation practice. The information presented will be helpful to anyone struggling with insomnia, whether or not you are on sleeping pills.
Sleep Group